What kind of steps should be taken to control environmental pollution ? 

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Following steps should be taken to control environmental pollution.

$(i)$ Waste Management : Solid waste is not the only waste, which you see in your household garbage box. Besides household discards, there are medical, agricultural, industrial and mining wastes. It these wastes is properly disposed and arranged then the level of environmental pollution can be lowered.

$(ii)$ Collection and Disposal : Domestic wastes are collected in small bins, then transferred to community bins by private or municipal workers then these are carried to the disposable site. At the disposable site, garbage is seprated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials.

Non-biodegradable materials such as plastic, glass, metal scraps etc. are sent for recycling.

Biodegradable wastes are deposited in land fills and converted into compost.

It the waste is not collected in garbage bins, its find way into the sewers or it is eaten by cattle. Non-biodegradable wastes like polythene bag, metal scraps, etc. choke the sewers and if it swallowed by cattde can cost their lives.

So, in routine life the domestic wastes should be properly collected and disposed.

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  • [JEE MAIN 2023]